2021-2022 Academic Catalog


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Course Descriptions By Program

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PSY100 - General Psychology

This course is an introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It explores topics such as the biological basis of behavior, research methods, learning, emotions, cognitive processes, perception, personality, abnormal behavior and the treatment of mental disorders. Research as well as practical application is stressed.

PSY150 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology

Students completing this course will have an awareness of the biological, cognitive and social factors that impact physical, mental, social, and emotional development throughout the life-span. The course will present the research methodology common to this field of psychology as well as the major theories and their application to stages of life.

PSY205 - Childhood: Developmental Psychology

The purpose of this course is to provide students with meaningful scientific information in understanding infants and children and in providing practical principles for working with children. Theories and methods used to understand physical, emotional, cognitive and social development from conception to age nine will be discussed.

PSY206 - Adolescence: Developmental Psychology

Factors that influence the growth and development of adolescents. Emphasis on the relationship among physiological, psychological and sociological factors and theoretical systems used to describe, explain, predict and work with adolescents.

PSY207 - Adulthood: Developmental Psychology

This course discusses factors of a biological and environmental nature that impact a person’s physical, mental, social, and emotional development throughout the life-span with an emphasis on early, middle and late adulthood, death and dying.

PSY208 - Educational Psychology

This course emphasizes the application of psychological principles to the classroom. Topics discussed include human development, learning, individual differences, assessment, education objectives, motivation and behavior management.

PSY209 - Industrial Psychology

This course is a comprehensive introduction to the field of industrial psychology. It demonstrates the application of psychological principles of behavior to work conditions. An examination of business and industrial activities and the role a psychologist plays in such activities. A strong emphasis on the practical and everyday problems that confront people in the world of work.

PSY211 - Social Psychology

The interaction between the individual and social groups within a cultural context: the individual in a social role, social groups, and social institutions. The course will cover such topics as aggression, interpersonal attraction, group behavior, persuasion, and helping behavior.

PSY216 - Child Psychology: Birth to Age 4

The purpose of this course is to provide students with meaningful scientific information in understanding infants and children and in providing practical principles for working with children. Special attention is given to the study of the relationship of the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social growth from conception to age 4.

PSY217 - Child Psychology 5 to 9

The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the basic principles and major issues of children age 5 to 9. Theories and methods used to understand physical, emotional, cognitive and social development will be discussed.

PSY220 - Descriptive Statistics in Psychology

This course presents the fundamentals of hypothesis testing. It covers computation and interpretation of descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, variability, correlation and regression) as well as an introduction to typical statistical procedures utilized in the social sciences, particularly psychology.

PSY222 - Psychology of Stress Management

Sources of stress, effects of stress, manifestations of stress and methods of coping with stress will be examined, with the focus being on practical application.

PSY301 - Sensation and Perception Lab

Sensation is the process in which the sensory receptors receive stimuli from the environment and transmit it to the brain. Perception is the process in which the brain organizes and interprets that information. Sensation is a physical process; perception is a cognitive interpretation of sensations. This course will explore sensory and perceptual processes as they relate to psychological experience. Also, students will learn how to manipulate sensory information and measures the effects on perception and other psychological experiences.

PSY302 - Evolutionary Psychology

This course will examine the mechanisms of the human mind through the lens of evolutionary psychology. We begin with a brief historical review of key theories in psychology and evolutionary biology. We then proceed to substantive topics, including problems of survival, long-term and short-term mating, sexuality, parenting, kinship, cooperation, aggression and warfare, conflict between the sexes, status, prestige, and dominance hierarchies. The course concludes by proposing a unified field that integrates the different branches of psychology. All course topics will be approached from both theory-driven and applied perspectives.

PSY303 - Cross-Cultural Psychology

Cross-cultural research in psychology has demonstrated that many psychological processes once assumed to be universal (i.e., shared by members of all cultures) are actually quite culture-bound. Although a few topics on psychology have a relatively long history of cross-cultural investigation, psychologists are becoming more aware that all of the topics on psychology must be examined from a broad cultural perspective. In this course we will focus on topics in personality, social, developmental and health psychology, examining them in light of various cultural backgrounds and orientations.

PSY305 - Psychology of Personality

This course explores the essential factors that result in creating individual differences in human behavior and mental processes. Current theories and classical theories are studied to increase understanding of the development and structure of personality. The characteristics of the normal and the maladjusted personality are identified, with special concern for developmental patterns.

PSY306 - Cognitive Psychology

This course examines human cognition, sometimes called higher mental processes. It explores how humans acquire, store, transform, and use knowledge, with topics including perception, memory, language, problem solving, decision making, life- span development of cognition and intelligence. The contributions of neuroscience to the understanding of cognition are stressed.

PSY310 - Mental Health/Psychology of Adjustment

Problems of personality and mechanisms of adjustment, including a study of the origin and resolution of conflicts, and the role of emotion in the patterns of behavior.

PSY311 - Psychology of Gender Roles

This course explores the development of gender roles throughout the life span, factors that sustain these roles, and how gender roles influence the daily lives of men and women. Aspects of life experiences where gender plays an important role---including sexuality, education, occupation/career, physical and mental health, and the media---are explored. Throughout the course, both multicultural and cross-cultural perspectives are used.

PSY320 - Black Psychology

This course presents the psychological principles shaping the personality of Blacks. The course includes a critique of “traditional” theories, statistics, racial myths, discriminatory thinking and behavior. Analysis of attitudes and behaviors which develop in prejudicial socio-economic, educational and political systems and ways to counteract them are reviewed. This course emphasizes proactive Black leadership and the life-style of individual Black people and their community.

PSY331 - Inferential Statistics in Psychology

This course presents the fundamentals of parametric and nonparametric inferential statistical procedures, including t-tests; analysis of variance, correlation and regression; and chi-square. It covers the testing of the assumptions of these procedures, as well as their computation and interpretation with regard to hypothesis testing.

PSY335 - Psychology of Learning

This course is designed to promote understanding of learning theory as applied to the classroom and other learning environments. Building upon the introductory learning theory presented in General Psychology; this course provides both a historical perspective and greater depth to the application of learning theory to the future professional’s repertoire.

PSY336 - Forensic Psychology

This course is designed to give the undergraduate with a minimal background in psychology a basic overview of the field of forensic psychology. The course provides a broad examination of forensic psychology and concentrates on the applied side of the field, focusing on research-based forensic practice. Professional application of psychological knowledge, concepts and principles to both the civil and criminal justice systems are emphasized. The course exposes students to the many careers related to the field and utilizes the multicultural perspective focusing on racial issues, mental and physical disabilities, sexual orientation, and gender discrimination in relation to the work of forensic psychologists.

PSY340 - Psychological Measurement Lab

Students will acquire knowledge and skills in the fundamental process of measuring psychological qualities in humans and non-humans. They will learn how to evaluate measures and select the best measurement strategy for the situation at hand (in the practice of counseling, teaching, supervising, research and program evaluation).

PSY345 - History and Systems of Psychology

This course explores the evolution of psychology starting with its philosophical roots. All major perspectives of psychology are explored, including structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, gestalt, psychoanalysis, humanism and the cognitive view. Understanding the contextual forces that shaped the discoveries and thinking of the times in relation to the development of psychology as a science is emphasized.

PSY350 - Principles of Behavior Modification

Applications of the principles of contemporary approaches to behavior modification are explored. Behavior-change techniques that are based on operant conditioning are emphasized. Some attention is also given to behavior therapy, which involves procedures based on classical conditioning. Examples of the uses of these techniques in counseling, clinical and educational settings are reviewed. Students complete one or more applied projects.

PSY365 - Research Methods in Psychology

This is a survey course emphasizing the design of research strategies for evaluating hypotheses about behavior and the quantitative analysis of research results. Students will design, implement, and write up a research study using APA style and the statistical and research techniques of scientific psychology.

PSY375 - Psychopathology of Childhood

Intensive study of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents. Emphasis is on etiology, early recognition and approaches to treatment or intervention .

PSY400 - Psychopathological Disorders of Adulthood

A survey of behavior pathology including psychoses, mood and adjustment disorders, and personality disorders, including drug addiction and psychophysiological disorders together with a general consideration of etiology, treatment and prognosis.

PSY410 - Clinical Child Psychology

This course is a comprehensive introduction to the field of clinical child psychology. It will explore the major concepts, research findings and professional issues influencing the practice of clinical child psychology.

PSY415 - Childhood Trauma: Theory, Research, & Practice

The purpose of this course is to examine the impact of trauma and traumatic stress on children, adolescents, and families. Specifically, this course will explore theoretical foundations, current research and literature, and developmental considerations of the impact of traumatic stress on developing children. Further, evidence-based treatments for childhood traumatic stress will be reviewed and described as well as scientific information for understanding how to support children who have experienced trauma.

PSY420 - Social Psychology Lab

The course combines a review of the foundations of psychological research (e.g., hypothesis generation, experimentation), as well as a focus on advanced procedural methods and techniques for social psychological research. In addition, we will focus on data management, analysis, and presentation. Altogether, this course will provide an in-depth, hands-on introduction to the world of conducting research in social psychology, from start to finish.

PSY421 - Theories of Psychotherapy

This course introduces the student to the theory and practical application of the major models utilized in the treatment of psychological disorders. Behavioral, Cognitive, Psychoanalytic, and Systems approaches (among others) are explored with emphasis on their theoretical assumptions, techniques of intervention and associated personality theory. Students will learn to take into account individual differences (race, gender, and age among others) when considering the theories, techniques, and other activities in clinical psychology endeavors.

PSY422 - Clinical Skills in Psychology

The focus of this course is on the specific techniques psychologists and other mental health practitioners use to create positive change in people. Students will learn the skills of active listening, empathy, cognitive reframing, crisis management, rapport building, and treatment planning, among others. Students will learn to enhance their effectiveness as positive change agents through self-reflection as well as acquisition of knowledge about the targets of intervention and their effectiveness. Videotaping is an integral part of the learning process in this class and students will be required to supply a videotape for the class work as well as a final assessment.

PSY425 - Senior Project

This course is an opportunity for the student to integrate and synthesize all aspects of their prior collegiate academic experience as it relates to their chosen major of psychology. The student will review research methods and current research literature in an area that is of special interest to them, develop a proposal for further research on an approved project in an area of interest, conduct the research proposed, write a thesis and present the findings in an appropriate forum.

PSY430 - Physiological Psychology

The biological foundations of behavior are explored in this course. Topics examined include the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, sensory and motor systems, memory, higher cognitive functions, and psychological disorders.

PSY460 - Senior Seminar: Special Topics

Students of psychology will enhance their postgraduate opportunities by learning a variety of professional knowledge areas, skills, and abilities that pertain to a specific current topic in the field of psychology. Topics such as ethics, multicultural sensitivity, foundational research, applications, future trends in research and application and professional behavior will be covered as they pertain to the listed special topic offered in a given term.

PSY469 - Psychology Internship

Students will be placed with professional psychological agencies off campus. They will integrate, under supervision, what they have academically been studying with the duties and responsibilities assigned to them by practicing psychologists in the field.