
FROM: The Office of Commuter and Non-Traditional Student Services RE: Cal U Winter Break Shuttle- Helping You Reach Your Destination
12/4/2017 10:28:49 AM
To: Students


CAL U WINTER Break Shuttle Service

to Pittsburgh International Airport, Greyhound Bus Station, Amtrak Train Station and MegaBus Stop, Pittsburgh PA

Campus departure dates and times:

Thursday, December 14

Friday, December 15

5:00 AM & 5:00 PM* ONLY

Van Pick-up Location: Front Natali Student Center (parking lot between Johnson Hall and Hall E)

Campus return trip date and times:

Sunday, January 21

12 Noon & 7:00 PM*

Shuttle Fees:

$40, one-way trip

$75, round trip

To Register or for more information, email

*Times may adjusted based on ticket departure/arrival times