
FROM: HEART RE: ZIKA Virus Information for those traveling during Spring Break!!!!
2/5/2016 1:26:18 PM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Are you planning on traveling to warmer areas for spring break? If so, knowing a little bit about the Zika virus would be helpful! It has been spreading in parts of the Caribbean, Pacific island, Central America, Mexico and more. No local transmission has been reported in the United States, but there have been cases of returning travelers infected with the Zika Virus.

About the Zika Virus:
-It is a mosquito transmitted disease

-Symptoms are usually mild

-Fever, rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis  

-Currently no vaccination for it

For more information about the Zika Virus, visit:

Be careful when traveling!

 Contact fayish@calu as needed