
FROM: UTech Security RE: UTech Security Awareness Bulletin - Fake CalU E-Mail Account Verification Messages
7/30/2013 1:42:52 PM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Recently, a flood of fake account verification messages have been circulating through e-mail. These messages claim to originate from California University of Pennsylvania, and attempt to trick the user into clicking on a link which leads to a malicious website. DO NOT click this link.

Phishing is the act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be another trusted user or company in an attempt to steal their credentials. The e-mail can contain a link to a fake web site that asks the user to enter personal information such as username, password, credit card number, etc.

There are several signs you should look for to identify a phishing e-mail:

How to avoid being a victim:

·         Verify the URL (web address) of a website before clicking on a link. Malicious websites may look identical to a legitimate site, but the URL may use a variation of spelling or a different name.

·         Don’t send sensitive information over the Internet before checking a website’s security.

·         Do not reveal personal or financial information, and do not respond to e-mail solicitations for this information. This includes following links sent in e-mail.

·         Never respond to suspicious e-mails or click on links inside suspicious messages.

Note: California University of PA will NEVER ask you for a password or account information via e-mail.