
FROM: Office of Social Equity RE: Required Annual Training
3/17/2014 11:25:46 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Office of Social Equity’s

Required Annual

 Online Training Programs


All Personnel (Administration, Faculty, and Staff) and All Students are required annually to complete the following online training programs: 

Ø Preventing Sexual Harassment (First Time User or Refresher thereafter)

Ø Title IX 

All Cal U Employees and All Cal U Student Workers (Work-Study Students, Graduate Assistants, and Interns) are required annually to complete the following online training program: 

Ø Preventing Employment Discrimination

To complete these online training programs, please follow the directions on our Cal U’S Office Of Social Equity’s webpage at:

 Or, you can go to Cal U’s Homepage at and under the QUICKLINKS, you can click on “Social Equity Online Training” link. 

*These training programs are in accordance with The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) commitment to high ethical standards and the enforcement of policies, procedures, and legal requirements in compliance with Federal Laws (