
Follow-Ups on Prior Year

The new critical thinking portfolios were implemented. The program coordinator and division head developed a professional looking portfolio which was distributed to students in ACA 110 both semesters. Since implementing the new portfolios, the number of reflective writings has increased by 12% (see table 2). Several faculty report that students…

The department Assessment Report 2016 – 17’ depicted a decrease in the percent of recent graduates employed in the major field of study. In fall 2017, more direct career counseling was introduced in courses and…Data will continue to be collected…   

The results from our alumni survey (Outcome #5), which we reported in our 2015-16 assessment report, suggested that students wanted practical links to future employers and support in job search strategies. We identified an opportunity to improve that part of their experience in our program by putting them into contact with working professionals in our field. In response, we added to the department’s guest speaker committee some graduate students who now play a major role in deciding which speakers to invite to campus each year….Based on the feedback we received from student participants who attended the fall 2015 panel presentation, this change was very well received. (Adapted from: Office of Institutional Research and Assessment: The University of North Carolina)

In the 2016-17 report, we described the data on (outcome #2) suggesting that students had difficulty confirming or checking the accuracy of their results when performing multi-step problem solving. In response, the department identified relevant metacognitive strategies for improvement. Two strategies were subsequently implemented…

Based on the Action Plan for Assessment Year 2017-18 (outcome 1), the department implemented a new pedagogical approach in courses so that students receive feedback from instructors on an initial draft of their manuscripts and allowing them to revise and resubmit. This method allowed instructors to identify student weaknesses in analyzing and interpreting data. Evidence from reassessing outcome 1 this semester suggests that the approach has led to improved student learning…

Student responses to our survey of seniors described in the 2017-18 assessment report indicated that somewhat lower levels of satisfaction were registered for the variety of archaeology courses and lower division course offered. We responded to that with plans to develop more field-based projects into the lower division courses and provide faculty with relevant professional development activities. As a result.