Sample Assessment Measures

Sample Assessment Measures from Other Colleges and Universities

Capstone instructors will collect all student portfolios at the end of the semester. The Capstone instructors will evaluate each portfolio using an established rubric. The results will be presented to the department chair late fall, and then presented to faculty during at the department’s end-of-the-year meeting in May

All Master's students will complete a comprehensive exam in which they answer three of four essay questions posed by faculty related to courses students have taken during their course of study. Graders of the comprehensive exam will complete a rubric for each student addressing this specific learning outcome

Students will use Google Earth to create a regional map, and download data from various web sources (e.g. USGS earthquake location/magnitude data)…students are expected to generate attribute tables and layers without any instructions or guide.

We assess the SLO “complete high quality research within the discipline” by their completion of a well-researched and well-argued MA thesis, reviewed and approved by their three-person thesis committee and aggregated across the program for faculty review.

Students complete a semester-long group project that requires the use of oral communication skills to complete a group presentation. All class members will complete a rubric to assess the quality of each group presentation.

Each course instructor will collect rubrics for either all students in her or his course or a random selection, depending on course enrollment. Each instructor will analyze rubric scores to determine students’ level of proficiency

The program assessment for the Department of Physics consists of both a content assessment as well as a problem solving/communication assessment. The content assessment is performed with the use of the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Physics Major Field Test.

The History assessment consist of a portfolio review of written assignments (including student essay test responses embedded in World History and U.S. History Vistas). Two faculty members will score each assignment using the attached department rubric.

Thirty (30) samples of student essays will be collected and scored using a rubric

Outcome 2 will be assessed using a rubric on use of a microscope (BIOL 4000A Genetics)

A department portfolio containing written mathematical proofs from all students enrolled in MATH 4200 Modern Algebra. These proofs are evaluated by a committee of up to three department faculty not currently teaching the course

On the Counselor Preparation Competency Exam (CPCE), students' mean score will equal or exceed the mean score of the CPCE national norm on each of the eight (8) Subscales and the Total Score.

70% of students will receive a passing rating from a jury of architecture professionals for skills of negotiation and persuasion in the capstone course for their thesis project.

Capstone” projects will be completed in BIO 410. This senior capstone course provides an opportunity to assess abilities of our graduating seniors to design and conduct research projects and present these projects in oral and written formats...

To assess the degree to which students have developed critical thinking, problem-solving, and synthetic skills requisite for in-depth analysis of global environmental issues, each year a sample of student papers or projects focusing on these issues will be reviewed by a team of faculty assessors. Projects will be rated on the following criteria…

In a comprehensive final exam administered at the end of the final course of the program, 90% of graduating students will score an average of 80% or more on the computer operating systems component of the exam.

Capstone projects were randomly selected from some fifty projects completed in the fall and spring semesters. Two faculty will assess the work via the use of rubrics. The proficiency levels (advanced, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory) for each rubric were given a numeric value (3, 2, 1).

95% of the students taking the ACTFL examination at the time of graduation will receive a “passing score,” as established by the faculty in the Spanish department.

During the final semester of the program, students will do the following:

  •  Prepare a written journal of internship activities
  • Prepare a ten-page documented report on a topic related to the professional field
  • Participate in a mock interview for employment

The papers/presentations will be assessed using a department rubric for the clarity of explanation of the background material and the pros and cons of the scientific approaches to address remaining questions.

Students passing ANT 4150 will respond correctly to 75% of specific questions embedded in course tests

All graduates are required to take the national ETS Exam in Biology during their senior year. Overall performance on the exam will be used to evaluate student learning. At least 60% of students will score above the 50th percentile

Students will earn an average of 80% or better on EBP examination questions given on the Advanced Rehabilitation in Athletic Training final examination. 

At least 80% of recent alumni (<18 months since graduation) will report on the alumni survey that they "agree" or "strongly agree" that they were adequately prepared to perform in this content area. The mean score will meet or exceed the score from the previous year (Indirect measure)

A 10% increase in the number of graduating seniors who report having participated in an undergraduate research experience compared with the previous year (Indirect measure)

70% target of MS thesis graduates will have at least 1 publication submitted (journal paper or conference paper) by the time of graduation (Indirect measure)

Evaluation of coherence, clarity, and use of sources in student work produced in writing intensive courses. Random sample of student work will be collected in…  

Proportion of graduates successfully completing study abroad experience (Indirect measure)

Proportion of graduates employed in field or enrolled in graduate/ professional school 90 days after graduation (Indirect measure)

Analysis of student papers completed as part of RST 359 – Contemporary Issues in Leisure.

Analysis of marketing plan completed as part of RST 320 – Leisure Services Marketing.

To assess this Learning Outcome, a Portfolio composed of written work, both in draft and revised form, as well as of other assignments, like discussion board postings, will be assembled by all ENGLISH majors at the ENGL 3000 stage

Students enrolled in the "Capstone in Economics" course will be required to complete an essay assignment related to Microeconomics. A faculty committee will assess the performance of a random sample of students, using the attached rubric.

Evaluation of this outcome will be based on knowledge and critical thinking and reasoning in the sub-discipline of organic chemistry by use of the American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry standardized exam that will be administered to all students at the completion of CHM322

Based on a 3-year average, our students will be within 5% or exceed the national average of the “Mathematics” section of the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.

Based on a report from the Capstone Design course instructor, at least 75% of the students will demonstrate the ability to think critically (e.g., assessing alternatives, interpreting data, synthesizing information to produce viable designs).

Based on employer survey, at least 75% of the employers will be satisfied with the ethical conduct and the knowledge of ethical standards and professional registration of our students.(Indirect measure)

Twenty percent of the papers submitted by students in the program capstone course are randomly selected for assessment and sent to a panel of outside evaluators. The evaluators write comments about the overall quality of the sample, and then select ten papers to discuss in depth…the evaluators determine the extent to which each paper reflects the achievement of the program learning goal…

Students are asked to design and carry out a research project on a topic of interest. Three faculty independently rate the reflective and research papers, using guidelines and specific questions about how the students' performance reflects each of the program's knowledge or skill goals.

Faculty panel reviews the portfolio of senior level work to assess the student's competency in evaluating the principles of design and elements of art, of how to create lines in space and in time and using color as a motif. Based on the following scoring method… students must achieve a score of “2” or better.

The History Department will use a scoring rubric to evaluate five essays in each student's portfolio to determine students’ ability in relating events to a wider historical context, and in understanding significant political, economic, social and cultural trends within the subject area

We administer a pre-test of students’ knowledge of the general sociological perspective, research methods, and sociological theory. This pretest is a large survey taken when students register for the major. We also administer an exit survey (post-test) to students at the end of their research methods and theory courses.

Students taking ESS 423 present the results of their practicum in a 20-minutes oral presentation, describing the exercise program they designed during the practicum, the issues that arose during the program, their problem-solving approach to the issues, and the adjustments made to the program based on the issues. All graduating seniors in the course are evaluated by the faculty member teaching the class and a second faculty member. A 4-point departmentally-developed rubric is used. Each year the faculty members who will be doing the evaluation are retrained to ensure inter-rater reliability.

Supervisors who oversee students on their internships will be asked in a survey at the end of the internship if the student demonstrated proficient critical thinking skills for the workplace, responding on a 5-point Likert scale (Indirect)

90% of students completing the program will correctly use MathCad to create arrays of data and appropriate graphs of the data for completion of problem sets. In this item, the level of proficiency is indicated as “master’s-level knowledge of 5 examples”