Description of University Assessment Committees


The University Strategic Assessment Committee is charged with strengthening the University assessment process to ensure disciplined self-assessment of institutional effectiveness. The goal of the USAC is to create a culture of data-based continuous improvement. The Committee collaborates with University leaders and committees to fulfill its goals. The goals of the USAC are:

  1. Align the outcome-based assessment processes with the University Strategic Plan and ensure that planning and assessment systems are integrated;
  1. Align assessment processes with budgeting and resource allocation systems;
  1. Ensure that the status and progress of University assessment efforts are widely and effectively communicated; 
  1. Ensure that assessment results are analyzed and used for continuous improvement in a fair, ethical, and responsible manner;
  1. Review and strengthen assessment processes that include: updating assessment review format, and planning assessment training;
  1. Create and maintain an archive of assessment reports and reviews;
  1. Evaluate and recommend assessment instruments and software systems;
  1. Review assessment documentation to ensure that it meets the requirements of external accreditation bodies and serves University goals for institutional effectiveness;
  1. Verify that timetables for assessment cycles are meaningful and meet the schedules of both University and external stakeholders;
  1. Provide annual progress (dashboard) updates for the achievement of goals and objectives of the Strategic

In addition to faculty members with expertise in assessment from each of the colleges and schools, four sub-committees are strategically designed to support the charge and goals of the USAC and implementation of the Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Institutional Effectiveness. A description of each sub-committee is listed below:

The Academic Program Assessment Committee (APAC) support the PennWest California Comprehensive Assessment Plan by helping faculty design and implement assessment plans, and helping the University share and recognize best practices of assessment in academic programs. APAC is designed to receive, review, and provide feedback on the Annual Assessment Plan and Reports for all academic programs. The Committee is co-chaired by the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and the Faculty Assessment Liaison, who is also a member of the University Strategic Assessment Committee. APAC membership consists of at least two representatives from each College, Graduate School, and Global on-line program. Their duties consist of:

  1. Assisting with the development of college, department, and program mission statements aligned with the Academic Affairs mission statement
  2. Promoting the development of academic program learning goals with measurable discipline and student achievement learning outcomes
    1. Discipline outcomes in academic programs could relate to knowledge, skills, and dispositions
    2. Student Affairs outcomes in academic programs could relate to retention, persistence, completion, and post-graduation success (further education or employment in the discipline)
  3. Assisting with the process of re-engineering University-wide assessment processes for simplicity (easy-to-use), relevance, and usefulness
  4. Promoting effective college-wide program assessment processes which include annual documented data-based decision meetings designed to improve student achievement
  5. Promoting a standard “Assessment Update” agenda item for all department and college council meetings where program faculty and/or Assessment Coordinators frequently discuss assessment progress and/or milestones documented in meeting minutes
  6. Co-facilitating professional development workshops as needed with the Institutional Effectiveness Director and Faculty Institutional Effectiveness Liaison (Holiday Adair)
  7. Assisting with the development of appropriate incentives, acknowledgements, and recognitions for effective program, department, and University-wide assessment efforts

The General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) support the PennWest California Comprehensive Assessment Plan by helping faculty design and implement assessment programs, guiding the collection of information on general education assessment activities, and helping the University share and utilize assessment data for decision making, resource allocation, and improvement. The Chair of GEAC is a member on the University Strategic Assessment Committee. At least one representative on GEAC from each college or school, a representative from the PennWest California General Education Committee, as well as the Associate Vice President of Assessment and Accreditation, support GEAC subcommittee members.

The Student Affairs Assessment Committee (SAAC) support the PennWest California Comprehensive Assessment Plan by helping faculty and Student Affairs staff design and implement assessment programs for co-curricular learning, guiding the collection of information on Student Affairs assessment activities, and helping the University share and utilize assessment data for decision making, resource allocation, and improvement. The Chair of SAAC is a member on the University Strategic Assessment Committee. There will be at least one representative on SAAC from each major unit in the Division of Student Affairs.

The Administrative & Educational Support Assessment Committee (AESAC) support the PennWest California Comprehensive Assessment Plan by helping staff in administrative units design and implement assessment programs for continuous improvement, assisting the collection of information on assessment activities, and helping the University share and utilize assessment data for decision making, resource allocation, and improvement. There will be at least one representative on AESAC from each major unit in the Administration and Finance, Alumni & Development, and Communication and Marketing service units.