Assessment Plan Requirements

Assessment of program outcomes is a two-step process – the plan and the results. Programs will be asked to submit two reports.  The Plan Report (due in the fall) details the plan of action for assessing program and student-learning outcomes. Due in the spring, the Results Report will document the results of assessing  outcomes – what was found and what program faculty or staff are going to do in response to the results to improve their program. 

The Assessment Plan Report contains:

  1. The Unit’s Mission Statement
  2. Specific outcomes to be assessed during the next academic year (no more than 2-5 per unit/department). Include outcomes of any innovations, new projects and initiatives, and any local, state or national efforts in which they participate
  3. Criterion for Success (e.g. 80% of students will express satisfaction…) for each outcome
  4. Assessment measure for each outcome (e.g. survey, rubric, written records, archival data). Results will be used to make suggested improvements in programs and services

The Assessment Results Report is basically an extension of the assessment plan and is completed once data has been collected, reviewed, and discussed, and after an action plan has been identified. The purpose of the Assessment Results Report is to document the use of outcome assessment results to improve programs and services.

An assessment report should accomplish the following:

  1. Describe the outcomes assessed during the assessment cycle timeframe
  2. Identify and describe the specific assessment method(s) and tools used to gather evidence for the outcomes
  3. Identify the specific source(s) of the data
  4. Provide brief results of each method and the extent to which the outcome or goal was achieved
  5. Provide a summary or conclusions regarding strengths or opportunities for improvement based on the results
  6. Identify actions that will be taken as a result of the data
  7. Provide a description of the impact of implementing action plans from the prior year’s assessment report

Because assessment is a systematic and continuous cycle and a principle means for continuous quality improvement of educational systems, practices, and services, the assessment plan for the next year should reflect aspects of the assessment report from the previous year.