
FROM: Dr. Susan Ryan RE: Expanded Program Title: Tourism Studies is now Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Studies
5/10/2018 7:27:04 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

The Tourism Studies major will now be Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Studies This University Curriculum Committee approved revision was made to more fully reflect industry terminology with the curricular and professional outcomes the tourism studies program has always served. 

There remains an 18 credit minor in Tourism Studies. This is the same for the 18 credit minor in Event Planning and Management. Students can major in Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Studies and Minor in Event Planning and Management. Each minor is still 18 credits.


The Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Studies major is still 42 credits of the 120 credits needed for any BA degree.

This title revision does not affect any of these major or minor programs of study. It is simply a more complete and descriptive title than before. No course requirements, sequencing, and/ or electives have changed.


For more information about Tourism, Hospitality, or Event Studies and/or Event Planning and Management please contact:

Dr. Susan Ryan


Your questions are always welcome!