
FROM: TRIO Upward Bound RE: Upward Bound 2018 Summer Academy Service Learning Project
6/22/2018 10:01:45 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

TRIO Upward Bound

2018 Summer Academy Service Learning Project

The students of the Upward Bound Program are collecting items of need for the Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern Pennsylvania.

A list of items currently needed are listed below and can be picked up from your office or dropped off at the Upward Bound Office in Manderino 430:

Ethnic Hair Care Products 

Hair Spray



Cotton Balls

Nail Polish Remover 

Bottled Water

Tall Kitchen Trash Bags

Mr. Clean Erasers

Kitchen Cleaner

Dishwasher Detergent

Cleaning Supplies

Dryer Sheets

Old Cell Phones


Items will be collected through July 12th.

For questions or to arrange pickups, contact Eron McMillen at 724.938.4039 or