
FROM: Articulation & Transfer Evaluation RE: Transfer Destination Day
7/3/2018 11:08:28 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Do you have a friend, relative, or neighbor that wants to transfer to Cal U?

Tell them to visit us on our upcoming  Transfer Destination Day!


Friday, August 3rd from 8 A.M. – 4 P.M in  Dixon Hall Room 312 

What is Transfer Destination Day?   

The perfect day for college students who are looking to transfer to Cal U,  receive a courtesy transcript evaluation, complete an Admissions Application (fee waived), take a campus tour and experience Cal U!

“No waiting!” is the theme of the day. Complete the admissions process in one stop.

For more information, contact the Office of Articulation and Transfer Evaluation at 724-938-5939 or