
FROM: Health and Wellness RE: Wellness Wednesday Tips
9/4/2018 8:59:36 AM
To: Students

The start of a new semester can be stressful. If you are feeling overwhelmed, try one or more of the following tips to de-stress:

Understand you can't do everything. While you might want to go to class, work, play a sport, and participate in clubs and social activities, the reality is that sooner or later you're going to get run down by trying to do so much. Focus on doing the things you truly love first, and do the rest during any spare time you may have.

Get help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, reach out and ask for help from professors and friends. They may be able to give you more time or help you to complete projects and study more effeciently.

Take advantage of campus meditation and yoga programs. Many campuses are equipped with programs that can help students get a release from their stresses through a relaxing session of meditation. Check out the Herron Rec and Fitness Center schedule for classes you can take!

Cut back if needed. Sometimes students overwhelm themselves with everything they have going on. If you're feeling like you've got too much on your plate, cut back work hours, or cut out some extracurricular activities to make your schedule more manageable.

For more information on stress management, please contact Rachel Michaels at