
FROM: The Success Center - Noss RE: Does the idea of studying bring you down?
9/28/2018 10:28:19 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff


From study buddy’s to scheduling out your time, developing study habits is key to making it through school. If you feel like the idea of studying brings you down, come check out our presentation to up your study game!

Our Success Center Graduate Assistants will be presenting a 20-minute workshop on how to maximize your studying sessions and ways to keep it all together. All you have to do is show up!  This workshop discusses how to develop and maximize your study habits.  

No need to sign-up, just show-up. 

Monday, October 1st | 9:00AM or 2:00PM (NOSS 211)

Tuesday, October 2nd | 2:30AM or 3:00PM (NOSS 211)

Wednesday, October 3rd | 9:00AM or 2:00PM (NOSS 211)

Thursday, October 4th | 2:30PM or 3:00PM (NOSS 211)