
FROM: Cal U Track and Field RE: **NEW LOGO** online clothing sale (shirts, pants, hats and bags)
2/25/2019 11:31:58 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff


We welcome all Students & Faculty members to our Track and Field Team store, which will open Monday February 25th and close March 11th.

There are many items to choose from, all of which include the new Cal U Logo released last week.  From these items you will find some that have Track and Field embroidered under and others that simply have the new mascot and Vulcans underneath. Feel free to copy and paste the following in your web broswer to take a peek:

Lastly we greatly appreciate any and all who choose to support the Cal U Track and Field/Cross Country program, and who proudly support and represent our University.  Any bit of support will help us continue to grow as a team.  


Cal U Track and Field/Cross Country