
FROM: Commuter Services RE: Student Employment
7/25/2019 7:57:13 AM
To: Students

Work-study students are needed to plan and implement programs for Commuter Students as well as Nontraditional Students. On campus and community programs include Soup and More, Give-a-ways, Cal-O-Ween, to name a few.

Work-study students will assist in providing educational and community programming in the Energy Zone, Commuter Pods, and other locations on campus. As a part of the role, students will have the opportunity to lead the Commuter Council, hold meetings, and create initiatives and opportunities for students.

Students interested in planning and organizing events for commuter/nontraditional students, helping new commuter/nontraditional students get connected to campus life, and working with all areas on campus are welcome to apply.

Please send your resume to Diane Hasbrouck at  by Friday August 2 if interested in a work-study position.