
FROM: Dr. Codie Stone RE: Advanced Elective in Sociology - Symbolic Interaction
11/7/2019 4:18:08 PM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

White hand in O-K gesture, with dark green painted fingernails, on yellow background What does this hand gesture mean? Is it a hate symbol? A gesture of goodwill? A swear in American Sign Language? Register for Sociology 411 Symbolic Interaction to discuss the meaning of symbols like this and so much more! 

What is it about? Symbolic interaction is a major sociological theory that focuses on human agency and creativity in creating and recreating our society, social norms, stereotypes, ideologies, and meanings of symbols. (Charles Quist-Adade, Symbolic Interactionism: The Basics, 2019).

What will students do? Read selected book chapters and articles for discussions, watch and analyze videos and films, closely observe and explore their personal worlds, our society institutions, and global phenomena through the lens of the symbolic interaction theory. No prior experience in Sociology is necessary. No textbook required!

Who would benefit from this class? Anyone majoring in fields related to working with the public, managing businesses, psychology and human relations, education, and of course sociology!

How to get in on this awesome opportunity? Register for Soc 411 in Spring 2020. The class will meet on M/W/F 12pm-12:50pm. 

Questions? Email Dr. Codie Stone at or call the office at x6056