
FROM: History, Politics, Society & Law RE: Reminder - Survey-raffle for $25 gift card!
4/14/2020 8:35:32 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

 Reminder - Survey-raffle for $25 gift card!

Raffle for $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Let Us Know What You Think!

(And help us, too!)

We’re doing a survey for our class and we need students to take our survey. If you take the survey, you can be entered in a raffle for a $25 Amazon gift card. The survey takes about 10 -15 minutes. Your participation will help us understand more about student attitudes toward inmate participation in prison wellness programs.

Your individual responses will be anonymous, but the collective responses will be shared with our class in a presentation based on the data.

Please respond to this survey today. If not today, please do so on or before April 25th, 2020.

Thank you for your time and participation.

Kathy and Melanie

To take the survey now:

If you have already taken the survey, please don’t take it again.

For further information and/or questions about this study, please contact Kathy at