
FROM: HEART RE: Healthy Mondays-Safe Sex
8/28/2012 10:33:11 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff


Safe Sex

From Revolution Health

            During college, many students begin to develop involved relationships and are more likely to become sexually active at some point. It is very important during this time to be responsible for your sexual health. If you are in a relationship, discuss safe sex with your partner. Make sure to delay having sex until you are both physically and emotionally ready, both agree on it and have been tested for STDS. Also, it is important not to mix alcohol and sexual intercourse. Drinking alcohol impairs you judgment making you more likely to have unprotected sex. It also increases the risk of sexual assault and rape. If you are going to a party and plan on drinking, make sure you carry a condom, just in case. Remember to never accept drinks from anyone, watch your drink, don’t share drinks, and don’t drink out of a punch bowl to protect yourself against date-rape drugs.


About 25% of college students will become infected with some sort of sexually transmitted disease. Sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted during any type of direct sexual contact. Some of the most common STDs are:

·         HPV

·         Chlamydia

·         Herpes

·         Gonorrhea

·         Syphilis

·         HIV

There are several ways to ensure that you do not become infected with an STD. The first thing to do is ALWAYS use a condom. Make sure you carry one, and never have sex without one. Another way to reduce the chances of infection is to limit your number of partners. Finally, make sure that you and your partner are tested for STDs. Some STDs never show symptoms so you may not even know that you have been infected.

For more information, check out the Sexual Health Guide on  

If you have any questions, please contact:

Fran Fayish: or call x 5922.