
FROM: Student Conduct RE: Being Neighborly
9/27/2012 11:46:27 AM
To: Students

California University is a part of the greater California borough and the university wants to be a good neighbor. As a student, you are viewed as a representative of the university and will hopefully also try to be a good neighbor, both on and off campus.  This includes considering noise levels, time of day, number of people involved and possible impact of your actions on others and whether your actions are in compliance with university policies and the law. You should carefully consider inviting non-students and make sure guests are aware of what is appropriate behavior.

You should be aware of a couple specific local ordinances intended to create a positive environment in the borough for everyone.

a.       California borough has an open container ordinance prohibiting carrying open cans or bottles in public areas like sidewalks, streets and alleys.

b.      California borough has a Disorderly House/Disorderly House ordinance addressing noise, crowds and underage drinking. This ordinance also gives police the authority to gain access to a disorderly house by whatever means necessary.

c.       You can find more information on California borough and local ordinances at

California University’s student code of conduct is included in the Vulcan Adventure: Student Handbook available at

Questions should be directed to Jim Pflugh, Associate Dean for Student Conduct at (724) 938-4439 or