
FROM: Health and Wellness RE: What is Healthy Monday?
2/1/2013 9:58:01 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff


…an explanation

What is Healthy Monday?!

In 2009, the Johns Hopkins Healthy Monday Project (JHHMP) initiated the Healthy Monday Campaigns, a non-profit health program. The program works with Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Syracuse Newhouse School of Public Communications to provide healthy suggestions for students, employees, and the public to strive to follow every week. Some of the Healthy Mondays they have created so far include “Meatless Monday”, “Move It Monday”, and “Quit and Stay Quit Monday”. So far, 28 colleges across the U.S. already participate in the campaign.

Why Monday?

Monday is the “January” of the week. It’s considered to be the best time for a fresh start. It’s the day when people are more likely to start a diet, quit smoking, or start an exercise routine. And since there are 52 Mondays in a year, we have 52 opportunities to begin something new to improve our ways of living! 

CAL “U” Healthy Monday

Here at Cal, we will be starting our own Healthy Monday Plan to get students, faculty, and staff on track to living a healthier lifestyle. We are challenging “U” to strive for a healthier standard of living.  Throughout the semester, we will be sending you some tips to improve the different areas of your health. Stay tuned for some helpful advice to have a happier, healthier life! J

To learn more about this terrific program, please visit