
FROM: CAL U HOCKEY RE: Get your holiday gifts!!!
11/25/2013 12:32:56 PM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Get your Holiday Gifts this Week!


Cal Ice Hockey Club Merchandise Sale


December 2nd, 3rd, 4th

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Natali Student Center


Visit for list of items for sale!

Contact Eric Francis for more info:

In the spirit of holiday giving, clean out your closets or visit the ‘little section’ at the store and bring travel sized items during the sale for our Veteran’s serving overseas!


Items regularly needed:

Candy (not chocolate), chips, deodorant, band aids, tooth brushes, tooth paste, shampoo, body wash, bar soap, magazines, lotions, combs, razors, shaving cream, face soap, hair ties, feminine products, floss, mouth wash, chap stick, sun screen, baby wipes, baby powder, Ziploc bags, Neosporin, gum, q-tips, cotton balls, hand sanitizers, etc.


Your generosity is very much appreciated!


Thank you and Happy Holidays!