
FROM: Payroll RE: Payroll Changes Due to New Tax Reform Law
1/31/2018 9:28:10 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Withholding changes due to the new tax reform law will be reflected in employees’ paystubs on February 16th.

Per the IRS, “The new withholding tables are designed to work with the Forms W-4 that workers have already filed with their employers to claim withholding allowances. This will minimize burden on taxpayers and employers. Employees do not have to do anything at this time.”

Additionally, the IRS plans to have a revised withholding calculator available by the end of February. The IRS is encouraging taxpayers to use that calculator to adjust their 2018 withholdings.  

We are happy to answer any questions you might have, although as you know, we cannot provide tax advice.  We also strongly recommend that employees review these changes with a tax professional.

If employees have questions, I would encourage you to direct them to one of the following links:


Thank you,

James Ahearn
