
FROM: Dr. Julie Warnick RE: Need a Tech Lit course with a Lab, or maybe a Free Elective?
8/15/2018 3:03:23 PM
To: Students

Need a Tech Lit course with a Lab, or maybe a Free Elective?


The Criminal Justice Department has a few courses that can help you reach your goals.

 Limited seats still available!

CRN#     Course #              Title                                                       Day                        Time

31451    JUS 225-001 Private & Corporate Investigation         W                          6-8:45PM

30696    JUS 397-001 Law & Evidence                                          W                          6-8:45PM

30701    JUS 487-002 Computer Forensics                                  TR                         2-3:15 PM   


        ***Please note JUS 487 will satisfy a TECH LIT and a LAB, and an Upper Level course****

                 Note JUS 225 and JUS 397 will count as a free elective in any discipline.


JUS 225-001, Private & Corporate Investigations has seats available for motivated students who want to learn the business of private investigations from a real-life PI. 


JUS 397-001 Law and Evidence. This course will logically track the stages of a trial, from the opening statement(s) through direct examination, cross examination and closing arguments. Students will be required to advocate their respective case utilizing the evidentiary principles in a real criminal court environment and must use due diligence in preparing their respective roles.


JUS 487-002, Computer Forensics. The focus of this course will be on how law enforcement obtains electronic evidence, maintaining the evidentiary chain, as well as the legal aspects of the search and seizures of computers and related materials.


These courses offer valuable information for all students regardless of your major.