
FROM: Rhonda Gifford RE: 99 Organizations Recruiting for Internships & Jobs and More at the WestPACS Collegiate Career Fair
10/16/2020 2:00:01 PM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Looking for an internship or job, or to apply to grad school in 2021?


99 employers and graduate schools want to meet YOU at the WestPACS Collegiate Virtual Job, Internship & Graduate School Fair, Wednesday, October 21, 2020 11:00 am – 4:00 pm


Meet with recruiters in one-on-one sessions! For tips and a demo on how the virtual fair will work, visit


Register today at and choose employer sessions on the Career Fair Plus App.


All candidates should wear appropriate professional attire during the virtual fair. 


Need a resume review before the fair? Schedule an appointment with your Career Coach or a Resume Express appointment via Handshake.