
FROM: HEART RE: Are you depressed?????
10/6/2014 10:44:39 AM
To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Healthy Mondays – Depression

Depression: serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way.

Know the signs:

-         Sad mood

-         diminished interest in activities

-         weight loss or gain

-         fatigue

-         inappropriate guilt

-         difficulties concentrating, and recurrent thoughts of death

Know the facts:

-         Research shows that depression significantly affects interpersonal relationships, and families and networks all suffer when someone is depressed.

-         The use of medications and/or certain psychotherapeutic drugs have been very effective in treating depression.

-         Depression is related to many adverse health behaviors. It is unknown as to whether depression causes the behaviors or vice versa. Some of these behaviors include:

o   Smoking

o   Alcohol Consumption

o   Physical Inactivity

o   Sleep Disturbances

To make an appointment with our counselors to be screened for depression, please call 724-938-4056 or stop in the Health Center in Carter Hall.

For more information on depression, visit or contact Fran Fayish at x5922 or