Examples of Unit Outcomes

Academic Marketing

  • Increase non-traditional student enrollment by developing focused marketing and recruiting strategies
  • Increase the number of awards (degrees or certificates) annually by 1%
  • Departments will express satisfaction in efforts to market their programs
  • Create timely and more efficient e-communication processes to connect internally and externally with colleagues, as measured ..
  • Track the value of specific media used throughout the recruitment and retention cycles
  • Develop and launch a new branding campaign that will provide visibility of the…
  • Implement marketing strategies that will target key internal and external audiences to increase awareness of…
  • Expand efforts to position the institution as a nationally recognized, innovative academic University that focuses on unique student-centered programs…
  • Create awareness to the business community about the University’s professional development efforts to provide training for graduating students
  • Increase the number of unique views of the University’s news (on all campus websites and social media platforms) by at least 5%, year over year
  • Increase sales of University logo wear and logo-branded items by at least 5%, year over year 


  • Respond to emails submitted to admissions in 1 business day or less as a means to improve service, recruitment, and ultimately enrollment outcomes
  • Improve business processes in Admissions processing by delivering admission decisions in 5 business days or less for completed applicants
  • Increase overall enrollment and specifically in important target populations
  • Increase the yield rate by 15%
  • Increase attendance at Open House
  • Improve productivity of the Admissions Office in processing admissions applications
  • The office will provide service within 2 days of request 


  • Meet or exceed NSSE mean Engagement Indicator scores in advising HIPs as evidenced by student responses on survey items:
  • During the school year, about how many times have you and your academic advisor discussed your academic interests, course selections, or academic performance?
  • During the current school year, to what extent have your academic advisors done the following?
    • Been available when needed
    • Listened closely to your concerns and questions
    • Informed you of important deadlines
    • Helped you understand academic rules and policies
    • Informed you of academic support options (tutoring, study groups, help with writing, )
  • 70% of first-year students will develop an educational plan during their first semester
  • Students will view their advisors as well-informed and supportive partners in the development of their academic and career plans
  • Students will identify well-reasoned implications and consequences from their personal and professional goals
  • Students will understand requirements to make progress toward completing their degree programs
  • Students will complete their registration for the next semester in a timely manner
  • An increased number of faculty/staff will be trained in proactive advising method

Alumni Office

  • Increase total private gift support
  • Increase total revenue for the Alumni Association
  • Increase the number of development events and attendees
  • Increase alumni and/or donor satisfaction with…
  • Increase satisfaction scores on the annual Alumni Opinion Survey
  • Plan and implement a student giving program focused on outright gifts


  • Demonstrate understanding of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle through fitness, nutrition, and goal-setting
  • Apply principles of teamwork: roles & responsibilities, leadership, conflict resolution, and ethics
  • Demonstrate an ability to successfully balance priorities through engagement in athletics, community service, and personal development 


  • Decrease the percentage of errors on bills per academic term

Career Services

  • Student goal attainment with volunteer service and service-learning
  • Efficiency of services provided by the Career Resources Center
  • Increase student, faculty, and staff awareness of Career Placement activities, events, and services
  • Student will be able to create an effective resume
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of workforce and professional careers including possibilities for employment, how to search for jobs, how to prepare resumes, and professional expectations

Counseling Center

  • Students will be able to form positive attitudes and be able to articulate how their experience at the Fort Lewis College Counseling Center will lead them to expect positive mental health care experiences after college
  • Students will report having felt safe, heard, and understood, and learn to discuss their concerns with their counselors
  • Students will be able to describe what life-long skills they learned in
  • Interns who work at the Counseling Center can identify an awareness of diversity and articulate how to contribute to an inclusive social climate

(Adapted from Fort Lewis College Counseling Center Learning Outcomes: https://www.fortlewis.edu/counselingcenter/LearningOutcomes.aspx) 

Disabled Student Services

  • Freshman students who register for disability services will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by requesting academic accommodations in subsequent semesters. (75% of students identified as freshman during the fall semester and return in the spring semester will request academic accommodations letters)
  • Disabled veterans who identify themselves to Student Disability Services and qualify for services will be satisfied with the comprehensive level of services and referrals they receive during the intake process. (90% of those veterans who respond to a survey will be satisfied with the level of services provided)
  • Students who participate in an intake meeting in Student Disability Services will receive appropriate referral information, individual counseling and an accommodation plan. (Operational 80% of student who participate in an intake meeting with a SDS counselor will be satisfied with the services they receive
  • Students who receive accommodations through the Adaptive Test Center in Student Disability Services will be satisfied with the implementation of their accommodations (i.e. reduced distraction, readers, scribe, assistive technology, etc.) (Operational 85% of those students who complete a survey in the Adaptive Test Center during the course of semester will report complete satisfaction with the level of accommodations received while taking a test)
  • Student staff will provide appropriate customer service and will be knowledgeable the SDS mission and purpose as well as all SDS policies, procedures and university resources/referrals. (After completing a progressive training program, all student staff will score 90% or higher on a disability service’s knowledge quiz)
  • Student Disability Services will satisfactorily convert all educational material as requested into an accessible format for students who have a print disability. (85% of students who receive converted materials will be satisfied with the alternative formats they receive)

(Adapted from University of Texas San Antonio Strategic Plan:



  • Department will perform cost-efficient renovations (Example performance measure: actual to standard estimated cost ratio for internal renovations)
  • Faculty, staff, and students will report they are satisfied with the safety, cleanliness, maintenance, and visual attractiveness of the campus buildings and grounds they visit
  • Student satisfaction with athletic facilities
  • Student satisfaction with the condition of buildings and grounds
  • Employee satisfaction with maintenance request process

Financial Aid

  • Decrease time from application receipt to disbursement
  • Increase perceived usefulness of financial counseling
  • Decrease student loan default rate
  • Financial Aid students will demonstrate understanding of academic progress requirements for financial aid eligibility
  • Financial Aid students will demonstrate understanding of academic progress requirements for financial aid eligibility
  • Students will pass an online quiz regarding loan eligibility and default prevention with a score of 80% or higher
  • The number of financial aid students on dismissal/probationary status will decrease by 30% within a year
  • Financial aid students will receive financial aid checks within X number of weeks after the semester begins

Finance and Accounting

  • Develop and execute an effective operating plan for the management of fiscal, technological, and facility resources in support of student success through a targeted, continuous-improvement task force
  • Increase level of employee satisfaction with processing of travel reimbursement claims
  • Increase auxiliary income as a % of revenue
  • Reduce Administrative costs of Institutional Support Services
  • Decrease maintenance Cost

Food Services

  • Incorporate sustainable practices as economically and operationally feasible
  • Increase student use of the Dining Services card
  • Students will be overall more satisfied with dining services as reflected by the annual customer satisfaction survey
  • Students will be more satisfied with the weekend Dining Services hours as reflected by the 2018 Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Office of Grants and Development

  • Increase regular communication with faculty, staff, and students regarding research and grant opportunities
  • Faculty who submit grant proposals and complete the assessment instrument will receive timely analyses of proposals
  • Increase faculty awareness of funding opportunities by knowing and disseminating sponsor funding sources and trends
  • Identify new funding and discover opportunities that support faculty, research staff, and students
  • Increase access to databases that provide funding information from foundations and other resources to support ongoing research at…
  • Increase partnerships with private agencies that may have interest in funding University research projects 

Greek Life

Students who participate in fraternity and sorority life will…

  • Clarify their personal and organizational values
  • Develop and display personal leadership skills
  • Engage in healthy behaviors
  • Develop and maintain meaningful interpersonal relationships
  • Learn and articulate the value of collaboration
  • Display a sense of social responsibility
  • Develop personal goals

(Adapted from Georgia Southern University Office of Fraternity and Sorority Relations Student Learning Outcomes: https://students.georgiasouthern.edu/greeklife/files/Student_Learning_Outcomes.pdf

In committing to Greek membership:

  • Students will demonstrate personal responsibility and respectful behavior in a community environment, and make informed decisions that will reduce high risk behavior
  • Students will practice self-governance and work collaboratively to create and achieve community goals
  • Students will understand the importance of scholarship and practice academic responsibility
  • Students will appreciate and engage in community service and philanthropic activities
  • Students will demonstrate an awareness of social justice issues (i.e. culture, race, gender, class, and sexual orientation)
  • Students will build life-long friendships based on shared values and develop a commitment to the values of their organization

(Adapted from University of Illinois at Chicago Fraternity and Sorority Life Learning Outcomes: https://students.georgiasouthern.edu/greeklife/files/Student_Learning_Outcomes.pdf)

Health Services

  • Students will join wellness and informational activities planned and implemented during each semester
  • Students will participate in prevention informational activities planned and implemented each semester
  • After receiving immunization consultation at Student Health Services, students will be able to comply with the recommended vaccine series 

Human Resources

  • Align job descriptions and professional development plans with unit, division, and University strategic and operational goals. Develop protocols for continuous review of these documents including mapping of individual outcomes with ongoing unit level assessment and resource allocation for training and professional development
  • Develop a system to manage and track compliance trainings
  • Achieve 100% participation in supervisor anti-harassment and Title IX training
  • Increase new employees’ satisfaction with onboarding process
  • New employees will demonstrate understanding of leave policies
  • Applicants and staff will express satisfaction with the efficiency and effectiveness of the hiring process
  • Decrease median time to fill open positions by job category and in total
  • Decrease percent employee turnover by year

Information Technology

  • The Technology department will invest in employees through education and training leading to technical certification
  • Information Technology will provide 2 training sessions for new employees during fall semester
  • Department staff will demonstrate understanding of student information system
  • Increase levels of satisfaction with IT services
  • Refine the Banner system to track significant data such as degree audits, student goal attainment (including course clusters), and retention/early warning information

Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment

  • Each area/unit within the University/Campus will develop and implement its own assessment plan
  • By the end of the project faculty will express more positive attitudes toward assessment
  • Develop and articulate expected learning outcomes at the institutional, program, and course level toward assessment
  • Programs will effectively use assessment results to improve student learning
  • Develop measurable student outcomes for all academic programs
  • Define processes that establish learning outcomes, assessment strategies, and feedback loops for all programs and courses as identified in the Student Learning Outcomes Plan
  • The institution will demonstrate its commitment to the assessment of learning through its policies, structures, and procedures
  • All plans will articulate a strategic plan relationship compared to previous year
  • Develop tracking performance measures to support strategic planning, assessment, and regional accreditation
  • Create a sound understanding of assessment practices and link to continuous- improvement strategies
  • Ensure that every department within the Division of Student Development has articulated learning outcomes for their programs and initiatives
  • Determine that each department has methods in place to assess their stated outcomes
  • Establish a yearly reporting process at departmental and divisional level to provide supporting data on assessment of student learning for the Division’s annual report
  • Develop a culture of assessment throughout the Division
  • Implement a cycle of high-quality direct and indirect assessment practices that support continuous co-curricular enhancement

(Adapted from Loyola University Chicago Division of Student Development Assessment Goals: https://www.luc.edu/studentdevelopment/about/assessment/

Institutional Research

  • Internal and external clients will obtain information/data as organized and analyzed by OIR, use information/data consistent with data definitions, and apply information/data appropriately for their own uses
  • Internal and external clients will be able to use the information, services, and processes provided by OIR to assist in strengthening their policy decisions and improving their processes, systems, services, and information/data
  • Internal and external clients will report that they are satisfied with OIR processes, systems, and services and have the knowledge, information/data, and services they need to make decisions
  • Internal and external clients will have confidence in the quality, accuracy, and security of OIR-provided information/data

(IR outcomes adapted from NCSU Office of Research and Planning: https://oirp.ncsu.edu/oirps-current-assessment-plan/)

International Programming

  • Students demonstrate knowledge of interconnectedness/interdependence of political, environmental, social, and economic systems on a global scale and in a historical context
  • Students understand their own culture within a global/comparative context
  • Students apply culture-specific knowledge to think critically and comparatively about global issues
  • Students understand, respect, and appreciate cultural differences (Attitude Outcomes Measures)
  • Students are able to observe while reserving judgment and to interpret unfamiliar cultural contexts
  • Students appreciate the role of customs and tradition in determining acceptable behavior, attitudes, and perceptions

(Outcomes adapted from University of Virginia Education Abroad Learning Outcomes Assessment: https://educationabroad.virginia.edu/sites/educationabroad.virginia.edu/files/UVAEdAbr oadLearningOutcomes.web.pdf)

Leadership Development

Students will:

  • Gain knowledge and understanding of leadership foundational theories and models
  • Cultivate a sense of self-awareness through identifying a leadership vision, mission, style, and values
  • Exhibit knowledge and awareness of diversity around identities, cultures, and society
  • Demonstrate communication skills and the ability to interrelate with others
  • Enhance awareness and commitment towards effective citizenship and social responsibility

(Adapted from PSU Office of Student Affairs Learning Outcomes: https://edge.psu.edu/pdf/StudentActivitesLOs.pdf)


  • Participants will demonstrate increased knowledge about the experiences and issues facing LGBTQ students at PennWest California
  • Participants will demonstrate understanding about resources to support LGBTQ students at PennWest California
  • Participants will develop skills to better advocate for the visibility and needs of LGBTQ community members at PennWest California

(Adapted from University of Colorado CS (Safe Zone Training): https://www.uccs.edu/lgbtresourcecenter/safezone)


  • Students will be satisfied with the library facilities
  • Students will demonstrate basic information literacy skills
  • Decrease staff-to-student ratio
  • Establish a more coordinated approach to faculty orientation to ensure that librarians connect with every new faculty hire
  • Will increase digitization efforts
  • Improve communication about library services to students and faculty
  • Division staff will be satisfied with quality of communication


  • The Mail Services unit will provide timely and accurate mail services campus-wide

Multicultural Affairs and Diversity

  • Students will be able to express ideas, identify behaviors, and actualize practices that promote social justice and equity
  • Students will be able to articulate ideas and exhibit behaviors that cultivate teamwork, critical thought, and communication skills needed to function in a diverse workforce and global community
  • Students will be able to demonstrate techniques and utilize tools to interrupt micro- aggressions and bias behaviors that adversely impact under-represented communities

(Adapted from Loyola University Chicago Student Diversity & Multicultural Affairs Learning Outcomes: https://www.luc.edu/diversity/about/outcomes/)

Performing Arts Center: Number of Productions

  • Attendance as a percent of capacity


  • Percent reduction in paper requests for transcripts, enrollment verifications, and registration
  • Decrease time to issuance of transcripts
  • Decrease time to issuance of grades
  • Increase satisfaction with the registration procedures

Campus Security

  • Members of the campus community will be able to operate in a safe and secure environment (Example performance measure: number of reported crimes on campus)
  • Create Amnesty Days within the semesters to allow students to pay fees without late fees
  • Create a wellness program for the police department by allowing officers 1 hour a day while on duty to participate in some form of fitness program
  • Provide emergency response training to the entire police department when responding to active shooter situations or severe weather situations
  • Staff will demonstrate a high level of professionalism and proficiency, measured by …
  • Students, staff, and community members will indicate that they feel safe while on campus

Student and Academic Affairs

  • Increase the four- and six-year graduation rates of under-represented students
  • Improve the first-year retention rate by….
  • Increase the number of students making progress toward on-time completion
  • Decrease the number of students required to take remedial courses to less than 40% of the incoming class for fall 2017
  • Increase second year retention rates for remedial students
  • Create new dual enrollment pathways
  • Develop an Early Warning System for faculty to use in monitoring student success and employing intervention strategies to support student success
  • Increase student success in mathematics and college persistence

Student Housing

Students will demonstrate:

  • Competence in life skills (i.e., time management, communication, and problem solving) gained through participation in programs such as living-learning communities, )
  • Multicultural competence and active citizenship through participation in multicultural organizations, community service projects, campus diversity programs, and civic engagement opportunities
  • Leadership competence through involvement in residence halls, Greek letter organizations, student organizations, and other co-curricular experiences that promote engagement with the University
  • Behaviors consistent with institutional values including academic integrity, civility, personal wellness, and respect for others and their property

(Adapted from Ball State University Learning Outcomes: https://cms.bsu.edu/campuslife/housing/aboutus/learningoutcomes)

  • As a result of participating in University Housing, students will be able to practice developing healthy
  • As a result of participating in University Housing, students will be able to employ behaviors that demonstrate civil discourse. Social Responsibility Students will articulate and demonstrate the duty to act for the benefit of society and the
  • As a result of participating in University Housing, students will be able to describe one way they are involved with the PennWest California community
  • As a result of participating in University Housing, students will be able to employ three strategies that demonstrate an understanding of the triple bottom line of
  • Students will articulate and celebrate the similarities and differences of individuals, groups, and societies.
  • As a result of participating in University Housing, students will be able to explain three of their personal attributes such as identity, strengths, and values. As a result of participating in University Housing, students will choose to interact with individuals of different identities and background

(Adapted from SIUE University Housing Assessment Plan: https://www.siue.edu/housing/pdf/University%20Housing%20Assessment%20Plan%20F inal%20FY17.pdf

Student Services/Activities

  • Develop student learning outcomes throughout all student services departments
  • Increase student satisfaction with leadership development program
  • As a result of participating in student leadership activities students will recognize the value of civic responsibility and participate in organizations and/or events that will benefit their campus, local, state, national, and global communities
  • Develop a series of strategic initiatives to increase student engagement in one or more activities outside the classroom. Efforts will specifically target groups of students who have reported being less engaged (e.g. commuter students, new transfer students, )
  • Increase attendance at student events (athletic competitions, plays, musical performances, art exhibits, )
  • Increase participations rate of student-athletes in community outreach program
  • Increase in student membership in clubs, organizations, student government,
  • Students will develop a sense of self-efficacy and personal responsibility to enhance their appreciation of lifelong learning
  • Students will demonstrate current levels of acceptance for culturally different people through an attitudinal self-evaluation instrument and journal entries
  • Students will choose a healthy lifestyle with appropriate stress management, physical health, nutrition awareness, and alcohol and drugs behaviors

Teaching and Learning Center

  • Faculty, administration, and staff will be satisfied with the quality of information provided to them by the Center
  • Increase in number of faculty participating in professional development opportunities focusing on teaching methodologies for actively engaging students in the learning process
  • Expand professional development opportunities for adjunct faculty/number of faculty utilizing the services of the Teaching and Learning Center

Tutor Center

  • An increased number of students will use learning support services (tutoring services, writing center, )
  • Students will report that the supplemental learning activities they experience in the Tutorial Center contribute to their learning
  • Improve the outcomes of students requiring developmental education
  • Increase the percent of students that use math tutoring services
  • Increase pass rate of students who use tutorial services
  • Provide training sessions to all new tutors

Veterans’ Affairs

  • Veteran students who use the Veterans’ Center counseling services will report satisfaction with the level of information they receive concerning their educational benefits
  • VSC students will maintain an average 3.0 term GPA (Standard of Performance: 80% of VSC students will have earned a 3.0 term GPA or higher)
  • Increase graduation rates and decrease time to degree for VSC students 

Women’s Center

  • Fund 5 demonstration projects that test the effectiveness of innovative civic engagement ideas
  • Develop diversity and tolerance outcomes and metrics for student development programs
  • Conduct 3 workshops on alcohol, substance use, and HIV/AIDS prevention in at least 25 classes per semester and in residence halls reaching a total of 1,200 students during the academic year
  • Decrease bias-incident response effort by establishing a formal bias incident response team (BIRT)
  • Offer joint training sessions, tabletop exercises, or open forums to engage around issues of diversity and inclusion


Students participating in WC activities will:

  • Develop an understanding of feminist theory and praxis through educational opportunities, advocacy training, and connection between academics and the feminist movement
  • Demonstrate knowledge of importance of meaningful communication in relationships including the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • Demonstrate an understanding of agreement and consent
  • Clearly articulate the definitions of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct (Adapted from: University of Scranton: Jane Kopas Women's Center Learning Outcomes: http://www.scranton.edu/studentlife/studentaffairs/womens- center/Mission%20Statement.shtml)